Rent a mailbox and receive a San Diego City real street address, not a PO Box.
With a real street address you can have a professional address to use, receive from all carriers (FedEx, UPS, DHL, USPS) and over size packages. Someone is always available for signature required packages so you can be assured anything delivered to our store is safe and secure for you. We will immediately notify you when something important gets delivered.
- Safe, secure and clean store
- Access your mailbox 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Call-In privilege to check in for your mail, eliminate one unnecessary trip
- Rent for 3 months, 6 Months or 1 year
- Mail forwarding, we can take care of your mail while you’re out of town! (extra fees may apply)
- Hold or send your mail to any location you tell us to send it to! (extra fees may apply)